Mary Oliver/Photo Courtesy of The New York Times Mary Oliver, described by The New York Times as “far and away, this country’s best-selling poet,” died yesterday of lymphoma at the age of 83. If you do nothing else today, please go read one of Mary Oliver’s insightful poems and after you read it, allow your… Read more »
Posts By: Mary Kate Cranston
Paycheck to Paycheck
I know several people who work for the federal government. Putting aside the political debate about why the government is currently shutdown, this is a time of anxiety for many of these people and their families. These people work hard and approach their jobs in a professional manner and now find themselves in an awful… Read more »
New Year Resilient You
If it is dark outside when I wake up, I will light a candle, close my eyes and slowly gather my thoughts before the day gets away from me. There is something about the quiet of the morning that I cherish. The day is still fresh and lighting a candle in the dark fills me… Read more »
Staying Focused
Photo Courtesy of Victoria Magazine When I recently flipped my desk calendar over to the month of September, I also looked back to the previous summer months and the multitude of handwritten notes that were scattered on and around the pages reminding me about appointments and things to do. While I didn’t get as much… Read more »
Music Monday — John Legend
Since it’s Monday and that fact on it’s own may make it difficult to get going, I thought I would share a song that always make me feel upbeat. Listening to John Legend’s smooth velvety voice in this song, “A Good Night,” is a definite stress buster but I think there’s something extra reassuring when… Read more »
The Rainbow Comes & Goes
This beautifully written and touching book offers up the belief that troubles will inevitably come into your life but those troubles won’t always stay with you. Good times will return and while the rainbow may not stay as long as you would like, there is beauty and hope in knowing that it will always come… Read more »
All Things Kate Spade
Fashion Designer Kate Spade/Photo Courtesy of Variety “Oh My God. Have you heard about Kate Spade?” “I’m so sad and mad about the Kate Spade news. How could she do that?” “Wow. I just heard about Kate Spade. Unbelievable.” Kate Spade’s recent and surprising death is a tragedy on so many levels: that she lost her… Read more »
Mindful Driving
Driving down 95. Windows down. Fresh air swirling. Alicia Keys full volume. Girl is bomb. Breathing deeply. Deeply breathing. Mind wandering. Discarding negative. Embracing change for warmer times. T-shirts, shorts & flip-flops. Welcoming new season. Staying in moment. Inhale. Exhale. Feeling healthy. Feeling stronger. Feeling ready. Grateful.
Photographic Memories
Recently I was attempting to de-clutter a room in my house when I came upon a small box of old photos. Uh oh, I said to myself. The box wasn’t marked so I had no idea what period of time these photos were from or who was captured on film. I knew that taking… Read more »