
April 17th, 2013
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I am constantly reminding myself to chill out: when I am driving to and from work, when I am at work, or when I am in a situation where my expectations are not even close to matching up to reality.
Add to the equation a traumatic event such as the recent bombing at the Boston Marathon and the resulting increased security and it’s no wonder that you, me and others are on edge.  Stressed out.  And the toll that stress takes on our physical health and mental well being is daunting.
I don’t think I am alone in feeling this … Read More

A New Day; A New Way

February 19th, 2013
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They say that sharing is caring and I care so much about my readers that when I read the below post yesterday from the Bereaved Partners Support Group (@BereavedPartner on Twitter), I couldn’t wait to share it with you. So many things in this article resonated with me: especially the idea of stepping into your fears and working through them to find something new in your changed life. Healing and recovery happen.  It may not feel as though this natural process is happening to you but it is.  You must believe in a new way of life and even a… Read More

I Think I Can

January 18th, 2013
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Happy Friday Everyone!! It feels good to reach the end of a work week, especially when we have a three day week-end in front of us.  Most of us will not have to go to work on Monday since it is Inauguration Day, the day when President Obama is sworn into his second term in the White House. Whether you agree with President Obama’s politics or not, I think everyone would agree that it takes courage and perseverence to have a dream and then set goals necessary to try and make that dream happen. Big dreams or small dreams, I… Read More

It’s A New Day

January 2nd, 2013
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Photo By Jonny Valiant I’m not making any resolutions for 2013. I feel when I do make resolutions that I’m setting myself up to feel bad if I don’t stay true to the resolution, no matter what it is. Instead, my goal is to try and treat each day as if it were a “new year” and do my best.  I expect that sometimes I will achieve my best in those twenty-four hours and sometimes I will not come even close. But the next day will be a new day and an opportunity to try once again to put myself… Read More