The Odometer Rolls to 90

May 9th, 2013
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Work, children, friends, lovers, spouses. . . So much is happening in all of our lives and it all seems to zip along a lot faster than we want.

At 90 years young, Regina Brett has a unique perspective on the rhythms of life and how to get back up and dust yourself off after life has kicked you in the teeth.  I have no idea whether I will live as long as Regina, but if I do, I hope to be the wise woman she has turned out to be!!

Brett is a columnist for the Cleveland Plain DealerRead More

That’s What Friends Are For

April 26th, 2013
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This is a beautiful and moving story about a husband and wife and their love and respect for one another. Sadly, the time recently arrived for one of them to say good-bye to the other. In the following column by The Washington Post’s Courtland Milloy, he writes of the spirit of the union between Washington Post reporter Lynne Duke and Washington Post editor Phillip Dixon in the essential phrase “sometimes yin and yang, sometimes nitro and glycerin.” Milloy is an awesome friend, doing what friends do best, offering emotional support and condolences to Phillip Dixon, and at the same time… Read More