Amazing You!

September 26th, 2013
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A significant and ongoing part of the grieving process is learning what to do with the confusing feelings you experience.
What am I supposed to do with the sad, angry, and surreal emotions I have inside me about the person who used to be in my life?  That person who was here yesterday, but is not here today, and won’t ever be here for a lot more todays in the future.  How can I turn those sad, angry, surreal feelings into constructive feelings so that I can make a future for myself?
Acceptance of my new life and my new
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Your Inner Beauty

April 20th, 2013
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My son and his cousins were recently going through a box of family pictures that were taken decades ago.  One of my sisters and I were in the same room with them as they passed the pictures around and made comments about each picture as they looked at it. You know the kind of pictures I am talking about; the pictures we all take at family weddings, baptisms, birthdays and first days of school.  The milestones in all of our lives. There was a lot of talking and laughing going on and my sister and I were only casually listening… Read More