Martin Luther King, Jr.

January 18th, 2016
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Today as we celebrate the birthday and historic legacy of civil rights activist and minister Martin Luther King, Jr., I find that his words are just as powerful and relevant today as they were when he initially spoke them decades ago.

King understood that in the face of racism and discrimination that the first response among most people is to want to protest and fight back in a destructive way.   It’s pretty much human nature for someone who is being abused to want to push back and it would have been easy for King to talk of using angry, armed … Read More

50th Anniversary of March on Washington

August 28th, 2013
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“Our goal was not to gain power.  It was to heal a torn-up community.” ~ Diane Judith Nash, a civil rights leader Marching for your human rights and dignity is healing.  It is an act of restoring faith in yourself and your community. Marching is also rewarding for the human spirit and good for the human soul.  Standing up for your rights confirms for you that you are not alone in your feelings; that others share your thoughts and emotions. Peacefully marching, holding protest signs and delivering passionate speeches gives rise to feelings of respect for those who are declaring,… Read More