January Baby

January 9th, 2013
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I am a January Baby and yesterday was my birthday. I am happy to have a birthday (Elvis and I were born on the same day!) but I wish I had been born at a different time of the year. By the time my birthday arrives, people are usually burnt out from the holidays.  Throughout the years, I have found that friends and family are either on a diet in January or they had spent too much money on Christmas so they are back on a budget in January.  Sometimes I have received gifts in Christmas wrapping paper and sometimes… Read More

Seaching for Serenity

December 17th, 2012
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As we try to find a way to deal with the tragic stories in the news about the Newtown, Connecticut shootings, let us try to find a way to take a break from the pain. A new work week begins and Christmas is close just a week away.  The juxtaposition of the Newtown stories, the social media dialogue; television and newspapers stories covering gun control, the state of mental health and parenting issues in the United States against the backdrop of Christmas decorations and music is jarring.I find myself turning off the television and only reading parts of stories because… Read More

Peace Is The Way

October 23rd, 2012
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PEACE IS THE WAY By Alan Nordstrom “There is no way to peace; peace is the way,” Wise Gandhi said, by which I think he meant We have to be that which we seek, and play The role we would become with clear intent. For as I think and act so shall I be, And so the world around me shall become: If violently, then war shall vanquish me; If lovingly, then peace shall still the drum. It’s in our hands and hearts and minds to choose The manner we live by, day after day: Shall it be marching boots… Read More

Your Invaluable Health

October 18th, 2012
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You are very lucky if you are in good health. I don’t take my current good health for granted.  Ever.  For I think that having good health gives you freedom of choice and the ability to live your life a certain way.  Good health is invaluable and one could easily think that it is permanent…until you don’t have it anymore. When you take care of your body you feel happier, healthier and empowered.  Everything you eat has a direct impact on your body, mind and spirit.  I know no one wants to believe that but it’s true.  I found out… Read More