Writing Through Your Emotions

January 25th, 2013
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To me, processing or working through difficult emotions such as grief, anger, frustration and confusion, is in a sense, breaking down the walls of why I feel a certain way.  Once I think I have figured out a pretty good reason why I think this is happening, I try to either get rid of as much of the feeling as I can or I try to readjust or “rebuild” my way of looking at the situation.
During the “figuring out” stage (which can be hours or months), my mind is usually a jumble of thoughts and emotions.  I may be … Read More

Holiday Survival Tips

November 27th, 2012
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Finding Inner Peace During the Holiday Season Whether it’s Thanksgiving, Christmas or Hanukkah, the holiday season is filled with lots of conflicting memories and overwhelming expectations. Let’s be real: There is no such thing as a perfect holiday. There is only the holiday that you create yourself and celebrate, hopefully with people you care about and people who also care about you. The size of the decorations, the cost of the decorations, the number of parties, the quantity of food and alcohol and the amount of presents has nothing to do with the happiness you may or may not feel… Read More

A Special Picture

August 17th, 2012
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Snoopy at typewriter sharing his memories A very good friend recently came over to my house to drop off some things.  It was a Saturday and she was out running errands and my house was on her route.  We both were trying to get things done so it was your usual routine drop off and chat for a few minutes to check in and see what’s going on with each other. Hi. How are you? Great.  What’s going on? Not much.  So and so called me.  Listen to this… She has been in my house tons of times and everything… Read More

Emmylou Harris

April 2nd, 2012
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Emmylou Harris Happy Birthday Emmylou Harris!!  The Grammy-winning singer songwriter turns 65 today and I thought it would be appropriate to share one of my favorite songs that she wrote with another Grammy-winner, Bill Danoff. The song, Boulder to Birmingham, recounts her feelings of grief in the years following the death of country rock star and mentor Gram Parsons.  Danoff also recorded the song with his group, Starland Vocal Band, on their self-titled debut album. It is a beautiful, haunting song.  I think we all can identify with that feeling of doing anything, even walking from Boulder to Birmingham, to… Read More