Compassionate Care

November 6th, 2013
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I write about the subject of hospice care today because November is National Hospice Care month.  I don’t usually pay attention to the themes of specific months but in this case I saw a tweet about it and wanted to draw attention to the incredible people who do this important work.
I have the greatest respect for the people who do hospice work.  The time and endless amounts of energy poured into this work of providing compassionate care to those diagnosed as terminally ill is critical to the patient and the families trying to do their best as a loved … Read More

An Honest Dialogue

January 14th, 2013
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After a loss, people often feel that they have no resources. They feel they have no one to talk to about the extreme pain they are feeling. A little over two years ago, I launched Cry, Laugh, Heal as a place where people could go to read and discuss grieving and say to themselves, “I’m not alone.  Someone else gets it.” Because in the end, no one ever wants to feel alone. Since starting the blog I have written about grief and about the crucial process of trying to put the pieces of your life back together after the death… Read More