New Year Resilient You

December 31st, 2018
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beach candle

If it is dark outside when I wake up, I will light a candle, close my eyes and slowly gather my thoughts before the day gets away from me.

There is something about the quiet of the morning that I cherish.  The day is still fresh and lighting a candle in the dark fills me with hope.

It fills me with the notion that today is full of possibilities and I can feel whole and valued.

It reinforces the idea that yesterday is past and today is a fresh start.

It is uplifting to feel the warmth and light from … Read More

Have A Little Happiness

January 3rd, 2013
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At this time of year, it is easy to find self-help advice almost everywhere we look: online, television, magazines, books. It’s the beginning of a new year and it’s traditionally a time to take stock of what we’ve done in the year gone by and think about what we want to improve about ourselves in the new year.   As we put up new calendars and turn a fresh page, we evaluate how we would like to go forward and perhaps we even have a new plan of action. Most people are hopeful that the bad habits that they practiced in… Read More