Embrace Your Journey

June 13th, 2013
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“Embrace Your Journey.”
You may have wondered why that phrase is listed at the top of my blog underneath the title, “Cry, Laugh, Heal. “
“Embrace Your Journey” is something called a tagline, a phrase to give you — my fantastic, wonderful and supportive readers — a heads up about the things that I’m going to write about.  Things that have helped me to slowly but surely work my way through the loss of my husband, learn to be both mother and father to a young son and develop resilience.  “Embrace Your Journey” helps me to set a tone of
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It’s Your Road

February 5th, 2013
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Thought For The Day. . . I know this picture is a bit on the grainy side, but I really liked the sentiment of the saying: “It’s your road, and yours alone.   Others may walk it with you, But no one can walk it for you.” It would be nice if someone could take our place and walk on our road for awhile; perhaps making it less painful. Wouldn’t that be nice? But we don’t know where our road is going to take us, do we?  I believe that my road has been painful but it also has been a… Read More