Peace Is The Way

October 23rd, 2012
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By Alan Nordstrom
“There is no way to peace; peace is the way,”
Wise Gandhi said, by which I think he meant
We have to be that which we seek, and play
The role we would become with clear intent.
For as I think and act so shall I be,
And so the world around me shall become:
If violently, then war shall vanquish me;
If lovingly, then peace shall still the drum.
It’s in our hands and hearts and minds to choose
The manner we live by, day after day:
Shall it be marching boots … Read More

Jesuit Motivation

August 21st, 2012
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When my son was in the midst of deciding where he wanted to go to college, Fordham University was near the top of his list.  But he was stuck between Fordham and another school and couldn’t make a decision. Trying to help him, I played the role of Devil’s Advocate:  “You are getting ready to graduate from a Jesuit high school and now you are thinking of attending a Jesuit university?  Aren’t you tired of the Jesuits?  Don’t you want to get out of the box and spread your wings in a different academic atmosphere?” My son didn’t miss a… Read More