A Dose of Kindness

October 5th, 2012
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Visiting people who are sick is one of the kindest acts we can ever practice.  Sitting and talking, holding their hand and listening seem so simple to the healthy but those things are so essential in helping the ill know that they matter, that they are not forgotten even though they are no longer able to independently move around.
Bringing about a smile or laughter through a funny story is just as important as any medicine prescribed by a doctor.  Laughter, in particular, is a powerful distraction from pain and illness.
One of my sisters and her husband are compassionately … Read More

The Voice’s Pip — Update

October 4th, 2012
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Pip and Carson Daly Following your passion can be exciting, healing, scary and a lot of hard work. My cousin, Gina, recently posted this video of her nephew, Pip, and it updates his fans about what Pip is doing folllowing his appearance last season on NBC’s prime-time hit show “The Voice”. It’s a fun, behind-the-scenes look at a very talented young man putting his music out there and building his career.  Take a look and listen:… Read More

Aren’t You Over It Yet?

October 3rd, 2012
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I am Catholic but I often find strength and wisdom in the teachings of other religions.  We’re all here in the same boat and we’re all here to get along, so why not reach out and see what we can learn from each other? With that thought in mind, I am sharing a short insightful piece that a friend gave to me.   It is written by a rabbi and I found his thoughts to be very comforting.  I hope you do too: Getting Over It By Rabbi Earl A. Grollman My wife died fourteen months ago.  Even though I don’t… Read More

A Grandfather’s Last Letter

October 2nd, 2012
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Grandfathers and Grandchildren Learn From Each Other Many people have good intentions when it comes to writing down their thoughts and feelings about their loved ones.  But then, unfortunately, something happens and they never get to it.  Letting those who are special to you know exactly how you feel about them on paper (in a positive way) is an incredible gift.  Without such a note or letter you are left to either guess at how the person felt about you or you can go on your memory, which depending on your age, could be fuzzy. Now along comes James K.… Read More

Offering Hope

October 1st, 2012
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My family currently has a number of medical situations happening and this past weekend was spent checking in with various people to see what I could do to help the caregivers.  Each situation is stressful for different reasons and the caregivers are doing fantastic jobs but they can’t do it all by themselves. I think I’ve mentioned this in previous posts but I think it’s important to say it again:  listening is a gift. When others come to us with their pain or their joy, I think it is a time for us to show them respect by quietly sitting,… Read More

Your Inner Artist

September 28th, 2012
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Free Your Inner Artist Without any notice, life can change direction.  Finding that you have to suddenly walk down a new path can be scary. One of the ways that I have found to deal with life’s anxieties is to do something creative.  Being creative can take you out of yourself.  Working with your hands — whether gardening, painting, writing, playing a musical instrument, crafting, sewing or cooking — allows your mind to take a rest from what is happening in your life. Doing something artistic also allows you to express your emotions and possibly bring about healing. Sometimes, things… Read More

Happy, Feliz, Joyeux,

September 27th, 2012
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Photo By Carla Culbertson Cranston If only we could live our lives just as these two beautiful children are! Spontaneously and happily! But here’s the thing: WE CAN!!! Surpringly, we have more control over our happiness than you would think. Current research shows that part of our happiness is determined by our temperament or personality.  Many people believe our personalities are locked in from birth because it comes from our DNA.  That’s great if you have a bright, sunny personality.  But if you have a sour, negative personality, and you want to be happier, there is are some things that… Read More

A Widow’s New Chapter

September 26th, 2012
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Photo By Flickr Dating — whether single, widowed or divorced — is a definite roll of the dice.  But if you hit and find your match, it’s a gambler’s dream come true! That is why I think the author of the following story was brave to write about getting back into the high-stakes mating game and answering the questions we would want to ask her if we knew her.  She is honest and direct in the telling of her story and that’s why you want to keep reading. The questions posed here by the author are the ones that people… Read More


September 25th, 2012
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Photo By Patti Raab Have you ever been sitting in your car at a traffic light waiting for the light to turn and you look out the window and see something that’s probably been there for months but right at that moment it’s as if you are seeing it for the first time? Why haven’t I noticed that building before?  Are those new plants?  How long has that bench been there? When you slow down or stop the usual routine of what you are doing, it can give you an opportunity to really see the world around you and notice… Read More