Kindness In a Me, Me, Me Culture

October 21st, 2013
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No matter what our age or place in life, we always remember the people who are kind.
For instance, during the homily of a friend’s funeral, I found myself sitting by myself because I had a arrived a little late and my friends were in another part of the church.  As I listened to the beautiful words of the priest’s eulogy, I put my head down as tears began to roll down my face.  I will never forget the simple gesture of the woman sitting next to me who gently put her hand on top of mine for a few … Read More


April 17th, 2013
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I am constantly reminding myself to chill out: when I am driving to and from work, when I am at work, or when I am in a situation where my expectations are not even close to matching up to reality. Add to the equation a traumatic event such as the recent bombing at the Boston Marathon and the resulting increased security and it’s no wonder that you, me and others are on edge.  Stressed out.  And the toll that stress takes on our physical health and mental well being is daunting. I don’t think I am alone in feeling this… Read More