Sweet Summer Stress Reduction

September 8th, 2015
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That summer feeling

Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.

               ~ Anne Lamott

There’s a rumor floating around that summer is over but I don’t believe one word of it.

Temperatures in Washington, DC are still hovering in the low 90’s, corn on the cob is still in season, along with awesome tasty tomatoes, and I’m continuing to wear flip flops to work even though the calendar says September.

I admit I have seen a few signs that some kind of seasonal change is upon us such as leaves changing colors and falling off trees, … Read More

Baby Angels

October 19th, 2012
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I have written previously about angels and particularly about a book my aunt gave me titled, Angel Letters,” by Sophy Burnham.  From time to time, I read this book because I find it comforting and it puts life into perspective for me. There are a number of stories that I tend to re-read when I am stressed or confused about life and this short story is one in particular that always takes my breath away: In April 1990 Sophy Burnham was being interviewed about her book on WOR-Radio in New York.  She was being interviewed by Gil Gross and as… Read More

A June Morning

June 1st, 2012
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Memories Look At Me By Tomas Transtromer A June morning, too soon to wake, too late to fall asleep again. I must go out — the greenery is dense with memories, they follow me with their gaze. They can’t be seen, they merge completely into the background, true chameleons. They are so close that I can hear them breathe though the birdsong is deafening.… Read More