The Art of Resilience

March 15th, 2013
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Being Proactive Can Strengthen Your Resilience
The subject of resilience totally fascinates me.
Resilience is being able to bounce back after being tossed around by life.  Trying to figure out why one person bounces back from a life trauma and another person breaks from the pain tells us something about the human condition don’t you think?
It’s a roll of the dice. It’s the $64 million question.
The ability to stay on track and keep your focus, the ability to develop an inner strength in the face of adversity is inspiring to me and in turn I draw strength from … Read More

Getting Into The Zen Groove

February 8th, 2013
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“Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset.” – St. Francis de Sales, patron saint of writers   Courtesy of Bethany Fine Arts Gallery From my core being, I am trying so very hard to attain a zen state of mind. This year is the year when I am trying to learn to meditate and think about serene things and scenes of nature that bring to mind a balance of calm and beauty. It is a matter of trial… Read More

Lennon and McCartney

September 26th, 2011
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  Paul McCartney (left) & John Lennon (right) Ouch!  It’s Monday morning and you had a great weekend, a busy weekend full of fun, and now, all of a sudden, you’re back at work. Work?  How did that happen?  Don’t worry.  You’re not alone.  Michele Woodward knows how you feel and she’s here to give you a jump start and get you going again. A work colleague told me about Michele and I went and checked out her website ( and the blog she writes for Psychology Today called Getting Unstuck. Her straightforward writing style style and her down-to-earth message… Read More

Discovering Kris Carr

May 22nd, 2011
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A relative who is also a close friend was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and while visiting her she introduced me to the awesome books written by The New York Times best-selling author Kris Carr. I don’t know how I missed her but I am now totally taken with her philosophy of assessing your personal priorities in order to successfully battle cancer and become a “wellness warrior.” Carr’s blueprint for self-examination helps you to take stock of how much you actually exercise (not enough), what you actually eat (room for improvement) and what you should eat (more veggies) to how… Read More