Mastering One Mighty Wall

January 16th, 2015
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Tommy Caldwell and Kevin Jorgeson, the two men who courageously completed the historic climb up El Capitan in Yosemite National Park in California on Wednesday, were the topic of animated conversation yesterday in my office.

People were wondering how they did it (can you believe it?), what kind of stamina it took to finish the climb (Dude you would have to be in incredible shape right?) and what your fingers would look like at the end of the climb (Totally bloody!).  This topic then lead people to talk about other people who practice extreme sports including some guy who wears … Read More

Getting Back In The Groove

May 22nd, 2014
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Oh My Goodness!  Have I missed you guys or what? I am so happy to be back and writing my heart out for Cry Laugh Heal.  I have to give a huge shout out to two fantastic, truly helpful guys: Chris Yoko of Yoko Co. in Fairfax, Virginia and Nico Dodd of Washington, DC!!!! YOU GUYS ROCK AND ARE TRULY THE BEST!!!!!!  Thank you doesn’t even begin to cover what you did to bring Cry Laugh Heal back into business. I have had my head down for at least the past month, slogging my way through some kind of Word… Read More

Your Life, Your Movie

February 17th, 2014
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“Stay In Your Own Movie” ~ DeVon Franklin When my son was a young child, he would talk about going to various friend’s houses to play and how wonderful their house was, how great their snacks were and how nice their parents were and how perfect everything always seemed when he was there at whatever friends house he happened to be.  Sometimes he would even tell me that the parents of some of his friends never even ever argued.  Ever. First I told him that they were waiting for him to leave so they could have their argument and then… Read More

Personal Growth

January 22nd, 2014
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Take some time for quiet thought today. Your inner person deserves it! When you get free from certain fixed concepts of the way the world is, you find it is far more subtle, and far more miraculous than you thought it was.                            ~ Alan Watts… Read More

Dream A Little Dream

January 10th, 2014
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Here is something to think about ~ You have to speak Your dream out loud.                ~ Kelly Corrigan To me the importance of this beautiful powerful thought is that when you speak your dream out loud, you start to make it real.  It’s the first step in owning your dream and part of owning it is making the dream and all of its possibilities yours so that it can become real. By talking about your dream out loud, you give your dream a place in your life and it becomes a real part of your life, instead of just a… Read More

I’m In Today

December 4th, 2013
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A friend from a support group sent me a wonderful short poem (which I am sharing below) reminding me about the priority of today. On one level, I suppose you could say it’s about managing your time but on another level, I think it’s about figuring out what’s important to you and staying focused on the things you want to pursue or accomplish and the people in your life that you really want to hang out with. That can be a tall order when you have lots of responsibilities from daily life vying for your attention but I find that… Read More


April 17th, 2013
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I am constantly reminding myself to chill out: when I am driving to and from work, when I am at work, or when I am in a situation where my expectations are not even close to matching up to reality. Add to the equation a traumatic event such as the recent bombing at the Boston Marathon and the resulting increased security and it’s no wonder that you, me and others are on edge.  Stressed out.  And the toll that stress takes on our physical health and mental well being is daunting. I don’t think I am alone in feeling this… Read More

Good Luck to Marathon Runners

April 13th, 2013
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Good luck today to my son and a great friend of his who are running a marathon in Richmond, VA!! It’s a beautiful day, perfect for being outside and running, and I hope their race is successful!! Hopefully, no one pulls anything or gets dehydrated. Stay strong runners!  Your efforts are amazing!!!… Read More