Finding Your Light

May 25th, 2017
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Each of us has a unique set of skills that are nestled within us.

Maybe you are fabulous listener.  Maybe you always have a positive outlook.  Perhaps you have a way of organizing your thoughts or possessions in a way that helps others.  Or it could be that you own the priceless gift for making people laugh.

We all have our strengths and today’s post is about those amazing people who have the skill set that enables them to read a situation and then put themselves out there to help other people feel relieved and renewed in the … Read More

Working Through Emotional Pain

September 19th, 2012
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Sunrise off the coast of Ireland At one time, I thought that if you ignored something unpleasant it would go away or solve itself on it’s own. And sometimes that actually does happen: people move away, they change jobs or people decide to transfer their children to another school. But for the big emotional stuff — grieving, divorce, abuse, illness — I find you have to face it and slowly work through the painful issues to get to the other side of it and eventually heal your inner self.  I have found that if you ignore the emotional pain from… Read More

Election Chatter

August 13th, 2012
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American Flag in Ocean City, MD Maybe you talk about politics.  Maybe you don’t. Either way, we have 86 days to go until Election Day and now that the presidential and vice presidential tickets for both parties are set, it’s going to be a long, hard slog. How to survive in Washington, DC and remain hopeful that everyday conversation can remain civil? It is possible.  Vent while you’re putting your make-up on, while you’re taking a shower, while you’re walking around the house. But try not to get sucked into negative energy. One positive and healing action I have been… Read More