Silly Family Laughter

February 5th, 2016
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Irish proverb

My 88-year-old Dad misplaced his checkbook last week and over the weekend a full-on, pull-out-all-the-plugs search effort was executed by our mom, me, my five siblings and even a few grandchildren.

We asked our Dad a million questions about the last time he used the checkbook and the last time he remembered seeing it.  We prayed to St. Anthony, the patron saint of lost items, and then finally our Dad decided to call the bank since St. Anthony didn’t deliver the goods.  Thankfully, the bank said there was no activity on the account and no checks had been written on … Read More

The Notebook

January 15th, 2014
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I never know when I am going to read or hear something that I might want to use in writing a future blog post so I try to always carry a small notebook with me.  On the times that I have forgotten my notebook, I have written notes on the back of envelopes, cocktail napkins and business cards which then creates this messy pile of stray notes. For now, the small spiral notebook I am using is almost full and it caused me recently to flip through the worn pages to check and see if I had missed anything that… Read More

Talking To Myself

April 25th, 2012
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I was eating my breakfast and watching the local news yesterday when I heard some good news: a new study says that talking to yourself is good for your brain. Woot!  Woot! Woot! What a relief!!!!!!  I’m not alone!!!!!!! I constantly talk aloud to myself and I think it first started after my son was born.  It didn’t matter that he couldn’t answer me. I got used to verbalizing my thoughts out loud to him.  While I was in the house taking care of my son as a newborn, and then later as a young child, I would constantly talk… Read More