Star Night Star Bright

November 21st, 2013
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I am one of those old school people who still have a daily newspapers delivered to my house.  During the work week when I go outside to get the newspaper, it is dark and the moon and the stars are still shining in the sky.
It’s a great time to collect my thoughts for the day.
This morning I took a moment to stand still on the sidewalk, take a deep breath, and say a prayer of gratitude for a new day and whatever it might bring.  As I gazed at the quiet beauty of the moon hanging in the … Read More

Way To Go

November 8th, 2013
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It’s Fabulous, Fantastic, Friday and I know you are as happy about this as I am! By the end of the work week, everyone needs a nice pat on the back. Try saying one nice thing, one kind thing to someone you know or even a stranger  and see what happens…………… JOY!!!… Read More

Within The Morning Light

August 8th, 2013
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I am an early riser.  I find the morning to be peaceful and so quiet.  I use my morning time to collect my thoughts about what I think is going to happen during that particular day and pray for other things that I hope will happen. So the morning is when a lot happens for me.  With my trusty cups of hot tea, I appreciate the solitude of the wee early hours of the day.  Quiet allows me to think and to breathe and pull myself together. I am always writing down blog ideas and collecting different points of view… Read More

A Special Picture

August 17th, 2012
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Snoopy at typewriter sharing his memories A very good friend recently came over to my house to drop off some things.  It was a Saturday and she was out running errands and my house was on her route.  We both were trying to get things done so it was your usual routine drop off and chat for a few minutes to check in and see what’s going on with each other. Hi. How are you? Great.  What’s going on? Not much.  So and so called me.  Listen to this… She has been in my house tons of times and everything… Read More