Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah”

December 19th, 2012
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Cast of NBC’s “The Voice”
singing a tribute to victims in Newtown, CT

A good friend who tragically lost a loved one in the Newtown, CT mass shooting yesterday posted on her Facebook page this beautiful and haunting video of the coaches and artists from NBC’s hit show, The Voice, singing Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah” in a tribute to the 20 children and six adults who died in the halls of Sandy Hook Elementary School.

I think it is the simplicity of the song’s message that makes it so powerful.  Let the healing powers of the music fill your soul and … Read More

October Snowfall in NYC

November 1st, 2011
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This past weekend I visited some people I love, in a city I love, even though the weather forecasters were predicting snowfall in October.  Despite the drumbeat of weather predictions, I didn’t believe it would actually happen.  I thought it might be cold enough to snow but I never thought it would actually stick to the streets and accumulate. Obviously, I was wrong.  By Sunday morning, CNN said New York City’s Central Park received 2.9 inches of snow and thousands of dollars in tree damage. Saturday morning, on the way to New York, it was heavy pounding rain.  Thank goodness… Read More

Read All About It

October 19th, 2011
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A friend called me the other evening to talk about the obituary of a mutual friend recently published in a national newspaper.  He said he and others were beside themselves because the obituary didn’t do a very good job of capturing what the guy was really about.  To him, it seemed rather flat and cold and the very thought of it made him do a slow burn. I knew exactly how he felt because I have been there.  I had my own issues with my husband’s obituary.  Maybe this annoyance with the lack of important details in obituaries is an… Read More