Willing To Wonder

February 27th, 2014
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I do not at all understand
the mystery of grace —
only that it meets us
where we are
but does not leave us
where it found us.
          ~ Anne LamottRead More

Slow Dance

June 3rd, 2013
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I find this poem called Slow Dance to be nourishment for my soul. It helps me reset and focus my energies and set out once again on this magical journey called life so that I can appreciate the beauty and blessing that are given to me. Instead of powering through my days and nights, this poem reminds me to get out of the fast lane and slow down and really and truly focus on the wonder around me. Slow Dance Have you ever watched kids on a merry-go-round, or listened to rain slapping the ground? Ever followed a butterfly’s erratic… Read More


May 23rd, 2013
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There’s a place where we all want to end up. We know it by name but where is it?  Where is Heaven? I was thinking about Heaven yesterday while attending the wake of a man who was one of my father’s best friends. This man was a good man, worked hard, had a wonderful wife and children and tried to do his best for others.  I’m sure he is in Heaven, wherever that is. I’m also sure that other people that I knew and loved are in Heaven: my husband, all of my grandparents, my aunt and uncles and some… Read More


March 27th, 2013
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“Breathing in, I calm my body, Breathing out, I smile. Dwelling in the present moment I know this is a wonderful moment.” ~Thich Nhat Hanh… Read More

Magical Christmas Scenes

December 24th, 2012
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It’s Christmas Eve!  Can you believe it? In some ways, I think Christmas Eve is more magical than Christmas Day. Maybe it’s the anticipation. . . Here are a few pictures showing the wonder of Christmas that I find comforting. I hope they bring comfort and joy to you too! Merry Christmas!! Christmas Candles Courtesy of sphotos-a.ak.fbcdn.net Christmas Gates Courtesy of vintagerosegarden.tumblr.com Christmas Village Courtesy of dreamingofawhitechristmas.tumblr.com Christmas Sled Courtesy of ullamaijahanninen.net Christmas Walk Courtesy of crushculdesac.tumblr.com Christmas Bucket Courtesy of robomargo.com Christmas Bow Courtesy of tumblr.com… Read More