Giving Comfort

March 4th, 2014
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Yesterday was a snow day in Washington, DC with the local and federal governments shut down and people resigning themselves to once again bundle up and go out and shove and clear their cars of winter’s one two punch: ice and snow.
Before I braved the outdoors, I indulgently hung out in my pajamas and worked on the computer, answering emails and checking out Twitter for Oscar gossip.  I also made use of my snow day by tackling a large stack of magazines in my home office and in hopes of ridding myself of some unnecessary clutter.
I came upon … Read More

Happy Friday!

March 2nd, 2012
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As I recouperate from the cold and cough that kicked in at the beginning of the week, I’m beginning to feel better so thank you for your good thoughts.  Plus it’s Friday so that automatically doubles my good feelings! I hope everyone is looking forward to the weekend and even if you don’t have any specific activity planned, quiet time can be good and so essential in building up mental reserves.  Or maybe I’m thinking of my own need for peace and quiet and restful times. As we work our way through Friday and slide into the weekend, here’s a… Read More