The Kindness of Nurses

July 23rd, 2013
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Have you ever been in an emergency room at 2 am?
Unfortunately, my son and I found ourselves there Sunday night because we needed to take my Dad to the hospital for medical attention to various issues that by themselves were not a big deal, but taken collectively, for a man in his 80’s, they added up to a serious situation.
The doctors agreed about the seriousness of my Dad’s symptoms but didn’t decide to check him in until after midnight and then he was finally assigned a room around 2 am.  By the time we got home, it was … Read More

A Solid Sistahood

May 8th, 2013
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When I am with my good solid girlfriends — women whom I have known for years and years and years — I know I am blessed. When we get together we may be going on about our children, our hair color, a new diet or some story we heard about on the news, but the under current of all of that warm wonderful and familiar chatter is the inner knowledge that we are sistas who have each other’s backs and always will! Through beautiful and great times, times of trauma and then those other ugly times when you need to… Read More