Have you ever been in an emergency room at 2 am?
Unfortunately, my son and I found ourselves there Sunday night because we needed to take my Dad to the hospital for medical attention to various issues that by themselves were not a big deal, but taken collectively, for a man in his 80’s, they added up to a serious situation.
The doctors agreed about the seriousness of my Dad’s symptoms but didn’t decide to check him in until after midnight and then he was finally assigned a room around 2 am. By the time we got home, it was 3 am.
Needless to say, I didn’t get much sleep. After putting in a full day’s work on Monday, I was looking forward to going to bed early but before I pulled the blankets entirely over my head, I wanted to say add a few words about nurses and their kindness.
Nurses are incredible. Their jobs are physically and emotionally demanding yet they continually show unbelievable amounts of compassion to people who are in various and varying stages of sickness.
Mixed in with all the beeping medical equipment that never seems to quiet down, nurses provide the essential human touch that people really need, especially in the middle of the night when things always seem worse. Sometimes it’s a hug or a pat on the hand or a quick joke, but nurses seem to always be dispensing good will and just all around emotional support to those who feel sick or those who are scared and nervous about being in a hospital.
I’m not taking anything away from doctors and the obvious importance of their roles in anyone’s medical care. But it’s the nurses who end up rolling up their sleeves and doing the down and sometimes dirty support work of taking care of their fellow human beings.
My Dad is still in the hospital as of this morning and I know the nurses will be doing what they do best!
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