Giving Comfort

March 4th, 2014
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Yesterday was a snow day in Washington, DC with the local and federal governments shut down and people resigning themselves to once again bundle up and go out and shove and clear their cars of winter’s one two punch: ice and snow.
Before I braved the outdoors, I indulgently hung out in my pajamas and worked on the computer, answering emails and checking out Twitter for Oscar gossip.  I also made use of my snow day by tackling a large stack of magazines in my home office and in hopes of ridding myself of some unnecessary clutter.
I came upon … Read More

Grounded To The Ground

October 9th, 2012
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Staying Grounded Have you seen that television commercial where the couple is test driving a new car in the desert and then later someone off camera asks them why they liked it? The man says something about wheel rims on the tires and the way the car felt when he was driving it and then the woman says more good stuff about the car and ends the commercial by saying it felt “grounded to the ground.”  The guy off camera can’t believe she has expressed herself this way and he repeats “grounded to the ground” as though it were a… Read More

Workshop For Grieving Teens — Friday, Nov. 14

November 3rd, 2011
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One in nine Americans has experienced the death of a parent before the age of 20, according to the Wendt Center for Loss and Healing in Washington, DC. The first time I read that statistic, it made me pause.  I thought about what that number meant; the human consequences of one in nine. That’s a lot of children having their households turned upside down at a time when they need lots of love and stability.  Being a teenager is tumultuous enough.  Imagine the range of conflicting emotions the death of a parent, relative or close friend brings to them.  It’s… Read More