This past weekend the weather in my part of the world was picture perfect and I took advantage of it by visiting my wonderful son who lives in Richmond and also helping my talented sister and friends sell their crafts at a local fair. Oh my goodness unplugged, unfiltered, unscheduled time just feeds my soul to the max!
It was a weekend of forgetting about my usual chores and errands and just spending time with people I love and care about. My feeling is there will always be rooms to clean and grass to mow and bills to pay and groceries to buy but there will not always be opportunities to spend healing time with loved ones. No matter how busy my life gets, I know that working, working, working is not going to make me a happy camper.
I get great satisfaction out of doing my job and doing it well but my job is not the be all of my life. I have seen way too many people work their butts offs five day a week and sometimes seven days a week, and I have never seen them attain the happiness they thought it would bring them. Work does not give me the same sense of connection to life as my family and friends do. It is essential for me to always make room for others in my life. To hang out, to laugh and to just sit around and talk face to face and catch up with what has been happening in the lives of my peeps. They keep me going through the rough patches and the times of celebration and I hope I help to keep them going.
When you suffer the loss of a loved one, you understand in a deeper way how quickly life can change and in the rebuilding of your life you need to find a new sense of purpose. The people who care about you and who you care about can help you find that renewed purpose. Friends and family give me a sense of living a fulfilled life and that connection is my lifeline. I find I can only email and text a person so much and then I have to push the electronic aside and reach out to make sure I actually see the person and be with them while talking to find out how they are really doing.
I am reminded of the need to set aside time to stay connected to those I care about in the following short story (link below) that a friend of mine posted recently on Facebook. It’s about the top five regrets that people have when they reach the end of their lives and it made me think about my life and how I am handling my work/life balance. I was surprised by number one and not surprised by number two and four. Perhaps this story will give you pause about the way you spend the precious time of your life.
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