Yesterday morning, one of my nieces delivered her second child and shazam, just like that our large boisterous family has grown by one more!
We expected her arrival at any time during this past week with everyone closely following the daily ups and downs of labor; starting, stopping, starting, stopping until the doctors decided that yesterday was the right time to induce and really kick her labor into high gear.
At that point, things started happening very quickly and then suddenly Baby Lilly was here!
When you are not around babies on an everyday basis, you can easily remember the days of being sleep deprived while taking care of your own children and perhaps other people’s babies, but somehow you forget the wondrous way that they sneak into your heart and melt it on first site, immediately making you feel hopeful about the direction of life.
They are so new and fresh and vulnerable.
Their tiny feet and hands, the little noises they make as they are adjusting to their new world and the powdery smell of their bodies all blend together into one irresistible swaddled package of babyness.
There is just something about seeing a newborn baby that always takes my breath away.
It doesn’t get any more real or miraculous.
A new being, who wasn’t even here an hour ago, is now quite amazingly here, opening up your heart and claiming attention from you.
It’s an excellent reason to slow down, take stock of your blessings and pause to consider the prosperity of living with the many wonders that surround you every day.
Tap into the powers that are naturally within you. Simplify and create a healing environment for yourself.
As Emily Dickinson so aptly said, “To live is so startling, it leaves little time for anything else.”
May your weekend be full of wonders and blessings and definitely go for the gusto!
Happy Friday My Friends!
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