This holiday season, I am appreciating the endless decorations of bows, bells and evergreens, listening to the traditional Christmas music that seems to be playing everywhere and trying to find wonderful presents for those that I love.
I’ve been to a few Christmas parties and also donated to schools and other groups who are dependent upon help from others so that they may continue their community work that is so crucial to helping men, women and children who are homeless and without a place to go for regular shelter and meals.
I am trying to give of myself and think positive thoughts because I know if I put myself in that mindset then I will act positively and carry on in a meaningful way.
I know there is no right or wrong way to celebrate the holidays, there is just what we are comfortable with and what we feel is right for ourselves.
But I still don’t feel that I’m “all in” to the Christmas spirit.
Maybe I’m over thinking it and I should just allow it to happen rather than wondering why I don’t particularly feel it. I’m not sure.
Maybe it’s that I feel emotionally spent by personal situations where I am constantly trying to be supportive but it doesn’t seem to be making a difference. That is a hard one. I think we all have come up against that kind of situation. I am trying my best, and so are others, but at a certain point, you can only do so much.
I guess at the end of the day, it’s really all about love.
How are you feeling this holiday season?
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