Fr. James Martin is a charismatic Jesuit priest who has a Lenten message that can be appreciated by followers of Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Folk Religions and even atheists.
It’s a simple message but one that is challenging for people (myself included) to practice. And it doesn’t have to be Lent to make it happen. We can practice his message any time of the year.
Lent is traditionally a time when Catholics give up something. But suppose instead of giving up chocolate (that would be me) or alcohol or potato chips, you decided to do something good? Why something good?
Because it is soooo much harder to stay quiet and not say the smart remark that first pops into your head when you are talking to a co-worker or a relative than it is to walk past the bowl of M&M’s.
Listen and dare to try it out:
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