Good Friday, Hello Chocolate

March 29th, 2013
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Today is Good Friday, the Friday before Easter, and many Christians will spend the day praying, fasting and reflecting on the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ. I am working today so I will try to reflect and pray but I will be squeezing it in between my office projects and the usual running around I do in order to keep all the balls in the air. Good Friday signals that Easter is almost here and that means that the end of Lent is also almost here. That’s good news for me because this year for Lent, I gave up… Read More

Chocolate or Kindness?

February 15th, 2013
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  Finding the Balance of Chocolate and Kindness Don’t let the collar turn you off. Fr. James Martin is a charismatic Jesuit priest who has a Lenten message that can be appreciated by followers of Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Folk Religions and even atheists. It’s a simple message but one that is challenging for people (myself included) to practice.  And it doesn’t have to be Lent to make it happen.  We can practice his message any time of the year. Lent is traditionally a time when Catholics give up something.  But suppose instead of giving up chocolate (that would… Read More

Year of the Snake

February 11th, 2013
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Chinese Celebration of the Year of the Snake/ AFP Photo Happy Year of the Snake! Chinese New Year is here and millions around the world are celebrating “the Year of the Snake.”  Just so you know, 2012 was the Year of the Dragon. In Chinese symbology, snakes are regarded as intelligent and wise, BUT the Chinese also believe that snakes have a tendency to be somewhat unscrupulous.  Oh yeah. . . we all are familiar with someone who might have “done us wrong.”  Being unscrupulous definitely has a bad vibe attached to it, which is probably why Americans say that… Read More

A Year of Blessings

January 17th, 2013
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How Have You Been Blessed? I know we are in the middle of January, but I just saw this idea on a website called The Honest Company ( and I wanted to share it right away.  Hopefully, this idea is new for you too! Here’s the basic idea:  At the beginning of a new year, start writing down blessings that happen to you throughout the year and put them in a container.  On New Year’s Eve or Day 2014, you can empty out the jar and read all about the year of blessings that you had! The Honest Company’s blog… Read More