May 13th, 2012
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Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers out there who have given their love unconditionally, wiped noses and butts, and lost sleep all for their little bundles of joy!  The world is definitely a better place because of mothers!
Motherhood is the adventure of a lifetime and I’m happy to say that I have loved every second of it.  It hasn’t always been warm and fuzzy but those are the times when I dug down within myself and tried to do my best to take care of my child.  I am the first to admit that I am not a perfect mother but I try very hard to be a fair, loving and funny mother.
Being a mother is the hardest job in the world but also a job that I would NEVER think of trading for any other.  The mother-child bond is an incredibly strong connection that is almost impossible to break.  With just one look, most mothers can transmit instant support or disapproval to their child.  Sometimes that’s not a good thing but then other times it can be a most powerful thing.  Especially when you are a young child and it feels as though no one else is on your side.
I am lucky that my Mom is still with us and I have been spending time with her this weekend doing odd jobs to help her.  I am sorry if your Mom is no longer with you physically, but I hope you feel her in your heart, today and always.
Happy Mother’s Day!


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