Daddy Daughter Ballet

February 17th, 2017
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ballet daughter


I took ballet lessons for almost ten years and I would have loved to have taken at least one class with my Dad.

I know he would have been up for it — even if it meant wearing a pink tutu.  I know it would have been pure fun!

I laugh to myself just thinking about what it would have been like if we had had the chance to dance together that way.  At 89 years old, my Dad still has a strong resilient spirit even though he recently began receiving hospice care.

I began to imagine … Read More

Family Time

March 31st, 2014
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It’s that time of year in my family. Time to celebrate the birthdays of my parents who are in their 80’s.  My Mom and Dad’s birthdays land on the calendar exactly a week apart so in the last few years my siblings and I have started celebrating their birthdays together in the interest of harmony, world peace and all that is holy. We know we are blessed to have our parents still with us and we definitely don’t take it for granted.  Not for one minute.  But sometimes it can be tricky in making sure that each birthday receives the… Read More

Happy St. Patrick’s Day

March 17th, 2014
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If it’s March, it must be that time of year again when everything green is up for grabs and my family is never embarrassed to wear as much of it as possible. Happy St. Patrick’s Day to all and I’m sure you’re planning to do it up proud! My large and boisterous family gathered yesterday before the snow hit the Washington, DC area to celebrate our Irish ancestry and all the stops were pulled out for a grand time. So in the tradition of my Celtic tribe, it was an afternoon of irreverent jokes and imitations, lots of food and… Read More

40 Ways To Lose The Clutter

March 7th, 2014
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No matter how hard I try to keep my stuff under control somehow it doesn’t behave. Day by day I try to throw out papers, mail, and other stuff that has outlived its welcome but still there is always more stuff to deal with or organize.  Not all of it is important stuff, but still it’s stuff that I don’t want to buy again.  Here’s my fear and maybe you can identify with it: once I throw out certain things, I’ll find I immediately need it. Sweet readers, what is a person to do?  How do you deal with your… Read More

Talking on All Souls Day

November 2nd, 2013
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Just because someone isn’t with you doesn’t mean you can’t talk to them…….right? People have imaginary conversations all the time.  In the shower.  While shaving or putting on your make-up.  In the kitchen.  Taking a walk.  Jogging. It’s not weird.  At least, I don’t think it’s weird.  I think of it as collecting or organizing your thoughts to make sure you explain yourself exactly the way you want.  Or sometimes it’s venting your emotions to the only person who might really get what you’re feeling. So what if the person is no longer here on Earth? It doesn’t matter to… Read More

iPods Forever

April 28th, 2013
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I am deleting all of the songs on my iPod and starting over. Here is a blast of a song from the ’80’s that I will be adding to my new song list. I don’t know what happened to Lisa Stansfield but I always turn up the volume when I hear this song: I hope you are having a great weekend!… Read More

That’s What Friends Are For

January 15th, 2013
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This past weekend I met up with three of my best girlfriends to celebrate my recent birthday. I have known these special women for decades and we have been through a lot with each other and for each other.  Birthdays, weddings, funerals, break-ups, new jobs, new houses, vacations — we have been through it all! The beauty of being friends for a long time is that you don’t have to explain everything.  One person can mention a certain situation or a person’s name and we know right away what that means.  We know the things that make us laugh and… Read More

Christmas in NYC

December 10th, 2012
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My son and I took a quick trip to New York City this past weekend, continuing a family tradition started in his childhood.  New York City is magical to us and especially so at Christmas time. Yes, there are a lots of people in the city, especially around Rockefeller Center where the huge Christmas tree in all its glory is displayed, but to us it is worth the effort of manevering in and out of the crowds and then suddenly being able to break through and look up and see the thousands of dazzling lights covering the infamous Christmas tree… Read More

A Postcard From The Beach

April 6th, 2012
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In my purse I carry a post card that my husband sent to one of his oldest friends when we were on one of our annual family vacations at Bethany Beach.  He wrote some silly note about the beach, the kind of message that someone writes when they know everyone at the post office will read it but you don’t care because you’re at the beach!! The wife of my husband’s friend recently gave the postcard back to me after my husband died and for some reason, just having that post card in my purse makes me feel connected to… Read More