March 7th, 2014
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No matter how hard I try to keep my stuff under control somehow it doesn’t behave.
Day by day I try to throw out papers, mail, and other stuff that has outlived its welcome but still there is always more stuff to deal with or organize.  Not all of it is important stuff, but still it’s stuff that I don’t want to buy again.  Here’s my fear and maybe you can identify with it: once I throw out certain things, I’ll find I immediately need it.
Sweet readers, what is a person to do?  How do you deal with your stuff? Or maybe the stuff that a loved one left for you deal with?
I guess I am emotionally connected to my stuff.  I admit it.  And I know what I’m supposed to do to stay on top of my clutter game.  I’m familiar with most of the tricks for getting rid of my unruly stuff: donate it to someone who can really make use of it, give it to a friend or relative, take a picture of it, or sell it online or at a tag sale.
But I can’t always get myself to do those things.  One of my great friends must be a mind reader because this week she sent me this timely post from a blog, White House Black Shutters ( about decluttering and within the story is a link that takes you to a schedule you can print out for 40 days of getting the stuff out of your house (one schedule has dates and one is blank so you can make your own schedule).
I like Ann Marie’s idea of keeping track of when and how much stuff you are throwing out because then I (or we) can go back and actually confirm for ourselves that yes indeed we did get rid of a lot that was hanging around and causing trouble.  Simplifying is the name of the game; not just to make room in our homes but also to set ourselves free from the burden of having too much stuff.
I think we’ve all had it with winter weather and we’re  ready to open the windows and let the slightly chilly yet fresh air in.  Decluttering isn’t fun but I think it can be rewarding for it helps me find more space, and light and order which is always a good thing.
As Ann Marie says, you could fill 40 boxes, 40 bags (of any size) or 40 trashcans but it really doesn’t matter whether you hit the target of 40 or not.  Forty days of focusing on different areas of the house and really focusing on sweeping it out will take us right into Spring, which traditionally is always a time of renewal.

Good luck and here’s the link to the White House Black Shutters post on 40 ways to lose your clutter:

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