Stop All The Clocks. . .

March 19th, 2011
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Someone you love has died.

Everything around you, people, conversations, situations, the Earth, even life itself, feels like it has suddenly stopped.

To me, this moment of  stillness is very similar to being in a car accident.  After the screeching brakes, the moment of impact, the shattering glass and the crush of metal hitting metal, there is an eerie silence; a tingling in your ears.

Your eyes see but what you see doesn’t look real; your ears hear but what is being said doesn’t make sense and you can’t seem to get your breath and breathe.  Nothing is computing and … Read More

More Humor Therapy

March 12th, 2011
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Grief is a journey that sets its own schedule. Grief is unique to the person and their relationship with the person who has died.  Some people cry, some talk, some paint and some even throw plates or other breakables to get rid of their frustration or anger.  Unfortunately, there is no set time for healing. It is always difficult to adjust to a life altering change and face the outside world on your own.  But since we are all in this together, it is essential to reach out and extend a helping hand and let others know they are not… Read More

Liam Neeson

February 20th, 2011
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I am always on the look-out for stories where people open up and reveal how they handle their feelings of grief.  As you know, the subject of grief is not considered a mainstream topic of conversation because it is such an emotional minefield.  To do so means revealing deep pain and vulnerability; which is hard for anyone to do; but especially hard if you are a celebrity or a public official. It can be almost impossible to get men to talk about how they feel about most things — unless it’s a sports team or a political party — so… Read More

A Friend In Need

February 15th, 2011
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I recently received a call from a friend telling me that her husband died the day before.  For the past year, I knew something was going on with her husband but she never shared the details with me and I didn’t feel it was my place to ask.  I was shocked as I listened to her tell me the tragic news.  In fact, I was in the car when she called me and I immediately pulled over to the side of the road. A rush of mental images of her and her husband and being in the hospital went through… Read More