Shhhh….something tells me it’s Monday.
I’m feeling mellow this morning and perhaps this has something to do with turning the clocks forward this past weekend and losing an hour as we spring forward in to daylight savings time. I totally love the longer day, full of more daylight and opportunities to socialize outdoors, but I have to admit that it is a bit of an adjustment for the body, especially in the beginning.
I’m moving a bit slowly today as I’m sure you might be too. Sort of like molasses or even like a garden snail.
Spring will arrive soon to refresh the Earth and I’m feeling no need to rush things. I see a few daffodils and crocus are beginning to show their colors and I am more in a mood to let things unfold at their own speed and develop in their own way as I also know I have no control over how today will develop and what the day is going to bring me.
On this quiet Monday morning, I am taking the time to begin a new week and I hope you will join me. Let’s center and focus our thoughts and energies and begin the day gazing at this gorgeous sunrise in Iceland. To go along with this inspirational scene, is a healing thought from Mastin Kipp, founder of, a website, daily email and Twitter account which challenges people to go past their fears and get the most out of each day. I’ve been following his Instagram and Twitter accounts for the past few weeks and I have found his daily philosophy of practicing service and grace to be uplifting.
Here’s some love from Mastin:
The more you let go
the more you create
room for miracles
to show up.
Trying to control
everything and
everyone creates
stress and leaves
little room for Grace.
Great quote and somehow I needed that this morning. Good morning.
Mary Kate Cranston
Hi Debbie:
Happy to hear that you found it helpful. Take care!