Although Widowed Persons Outreach provides help for those who are widowed, this October 19th, the 2011 conference is open to everyone!
You may be a professional or helping a friend or family member through loss and want to deepen your skills and understanding. Or you yourself may be experiencing a loss. Whatever your situation, this conference will give you comfort and hope.
Bestselling author Dr. Ann Kaiser Stearns brings a powerful message to those dealing with the pain of a loss. When a loved one dies, a marriage or important relationship ends, a financial or health crisis occurs, or even a dream is shattered, you still have a choice in how to live, says Dr. Stearns. With her inspirational insight and helpful healing strategies, you’ll discover how you can move beyond the harsh and painful events that have occurred, grow stronger, and still live a fulfilling life.
When: Wednesday, October 19, 2011
9:45 a.m. – Registration and Coffee or Tea
10:15 a.m. – 12:00 noon – Keynote Address
12:00 noon – Book signing and Break
12:30 p.m. – Lunch is served
Who: Dr. Ann Kaiser Stearns
Why: Living Through Personal Crisis – Life After Loss
Sponsored by Widowed Persons Outreach – Helping and Healing
Where: Kenwood Country Club, 5601 River Road, Bethesda, MD 20816
Cost: $35. Make check payable to WPO and mail to Pat Ebbecke,
7600 17th St., NW, Washington, DC 20012-1122
Contact: For further information, call Pat Ebbecke 202-726-3418.
Tom Blaschko
Dr. Stearns has written as wonderful book. Two of the appeals for my partner and I were
1. the way it made grief part of the process of living and growing and 2. the practical advise for moving beyond grief when it is the right time. There really can be life after a loss.