I go to nature to be soothed and healed and
to have my senses put in tune once more.
~ John Burroughs, American Naturalist
Instead of spending my Saturday morning doing the usual routine of reading the paper and attacking chores, I got in my car and drove out of the city. I needed to break away from the congestion and concrete and refresh my spirit.
A little over an hour later, I found myself driving through a shady tree-lined highway and then on to a flatter area of land surrounded by rolling hills of greenery and fields of dried corn stalks. I purposely didn’t turn on the radio because I wanted the quiet to envelope me.
At one point, I actually could hear crickets chirping the fields (even thought I can’t stand crickets) and saw a couple of box turtles on the road, which of course I swerved around.
My only goal was to let my eyes take in the new views and let my mind chill out.
Almost spontaneously, I found myself taking deep breaths of fresh air and loosening my grip on the steering wheel. The clear blue sky was full of white wildly shaped clouds lazily moving along the horizon.
It’s amazing what a change of scenery can do for you!
Spending time in nature has a rejuvanating and healing effect on me and I bet it does on you too!
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