Just in the nick of time my good friends, Friday has arrived on the scene.
And not just any Friday, but a Friday leading us into a three day holiday weekend. YES!
I work hard, just as you do, and I also take a lot of pride in the work I do. But at the end of the day, work is work and everybody needs a break from it. I am not one of those people who subscribe to the idea that if I put in long hours at the desk or computer I will get more accomplished. To me, that thinking is more of a game of playing chicken with other people in your office; as in who got to the office the earliest and who stayed the latest and whose brain is the most frazzled and fried.
Take a break from work is necessary. No one can keep grinding it out and stay mentally and physically well. When you do take a break and unplug from the office, try to go outside and walk around and breath in some fresh air, allowing your body and mind to relax and let go of the tension that has accumulated over the past few hours. If you work at a computer all day, give your eyes and mind a break by periodically looking to into the corner of the room or definitely out the window. Let your mind wander.

And once the weekend arrives, chuck it all and go outside to play.
Lay in the grass. Gaze at the sky. Smell the fresh air.
Close your eyes. Feel the warmth of the sun on your skin. Listen to your breathing.
Bring everything down a notch and relax and rejuvenate your inner spirit. You know who I mean; that inner person who talks to you all the time and tells you that you are working too hard and you need to stop and enjoy life in all its glory.
Make plans and seek out your friends and family. Why do you need to hang out with people instead of a machine? Simply put, the precious time you spend with the people you care about is the time for self-healing and the key to a happier life.
I know what you are saying: What about the bills and the errands and the household chores?
Those things will always there won’t they? I say take care of the urgent or immediate needs and then tell yourself that’s enough. It’s time to get out of the box.
Go feed your soul. Go outside and play.
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