A Summer Itch

May 10th, 2013
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I talked to one of my great friends today on the telephone.  I thought she was at home or running errands but then she said she had to get off the phone because she was getting ready to cross the Bay Bridge.As in the Bay Bridge over the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland.Ding! Ding! Ding! She’s. Going. To. The. Beach!

Right away, I began to feel the symptoms of an incurable condition called “Beach Fever.”

My friend’s news dovetailed perfectly with the recent warming of the sun in Washington, DC (predicted 82 degrees today!) and turning the calendar to the mojo … Read More

DC — A Beautiful City

April 9th, 2013
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This is how the weather works in Washington, DC:  a few days ago I was bundled up in a winter coat and wishing the sharp, chilly wind would die down.  Today, I am walking around the city without a coat and feeling so warm I wish I had shorts and flip flops on. The temperatures in the nation’s capital may turn on a dime but it doesn’t affect the beauty of the city. And now that it is warmer, I’m taking full advantage of all it’s splendor.Spring in Washington, DC is when you can see the city at its best. … Read More


April 5th, 2013
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Someone close to me is emotionally stuck on certain negative events that happened in her life decades ago.  She talks about them in great detail and tells others how she felt when these things happened to her.  Listening over and over again to her retelling of these events doesn’t seem to help her move forward and get past what happened. It’s as though she has a list in her head and she mentally checks these things off every day to remind herself that someone did something wrong to her.  It is sad and frustrating to watch someone concentrate on the… Read More

Diane Von Furstenberg

March 20th, 2013
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You probably know of Diane Von Furstenberg from her infamous dress designs for women, especially her iconic wrap dress.  Her dresses have been worn by First Lady Michelle Obama, Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, Madonna and Gwyneth Paltrow.  Today, Diane Von Furstenberg masterfully runs a global company, tastefully designing women’s fashions, along with fragrances, cosmetics and home collections. Diane Von Furstenberg But Diane Von Furstenberg is more than a fashionista. She is also a passionate and generous person who spends a lot of time mentoring women and distributing her grant and philanthropic money to community building, education and environmental causes, among… Read More

Here Comes The Sun

March 12th, 2013
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Sunrise By the Washington Monument Here comes the sun (doo doo doo doo) Here comes the sun, and I say It’s all right Little darling, it’s been a long cold lonely winter Little darling, it feels like years since it’s been here Here comes the sun Here comes the sun, and I say It’s all right ~The Beatles How are you doing now that we are on Daylight Savings Time? Yeah!!! I’m so glad it’s here!!  Winter seemed to have so many fits and starts this year — chilly, snow then warmth, then cold again — I think we really… Read More

Year of the Snake

February 11th, 2013
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Chinese Celebration of the Year of the Snake/ AFP Photo Happy Year of the Snake! Chinese New Year is here and millions around the world are celebrating “the Year of the Snake.”  Just so you know, 2012 was the Year of the Dragon. In Chinese symbology, snakes are regarded as intelligent and wise, BUT the Chinese also believe that snakes have a tendency to be somewhat unscrupulous.  Oh yeah. . . we all are familiar with someone who might have “done us wrong.”  Being unscrupulous definitely has a bad vibe attached to it, which is probably why Americans say that… Read More

January Baby

January 9th, 2013
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I am a January Baby and yesterday was my birthday. I am happy to have a birthday (Elvis and I were born on the same day!) but I wish I had been born at a different time of the year. By the time my birthday arrives, people are usually burnt out from the holidays.  Throughout the years, I have found that friends and family are either on a diet in January or they had spent too much money on Christmas so they are back on a budget in January.  Sometimes I have received gifts in Christmas wrapping paper and sometimes… Read More

Seaching for Serenity

December 17th, 2012
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As we try to find a way to deal with the tragic stories in the news about the Newtown, Connecticut shootings, let us try to find a way to take a break from the pain. A new work week begins and Christmas is close just a week away.  The juxtaposition of the Newtown stories, the social media dialogue; television and newspapers stories covering gun control, the state of mental health and parenting issues in the United States against the backdrop of Christmas decorations and music is jarring.I find myself turning off the television and only reading parts of stories because… Read More

Take Care

December 5th, 2012
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Vick’s: A Quick Home Remedy I am fighting a cold and a cough.  I thought it was a 24-hour thing but it has lasted longer than I expected.  I probably caught it from someone in my office because lately there are a lot of sneezers and coughers around me. This is not the time of the year to feel sick.  I have been constantly washing my hands to prevent picking up germies but obviously this wasn’t enough.  I haven’t started my Christmas shopping; I have ideas but haven’t yet gone online to find the particular gifts I have in mind. … Read More