I talked to one of my great friends today on the telephone. I thought she was at home or running errands but then she said she had to get off the phone because she was getting ready to cross the Bay Bridge.As in the Bay Bridge over the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland.Ding! Ding! Ding! She’s. Going. To. The. Beach!
Right away, I began to feel the symptoms of an incurable condition called “Beach Fever.”
My friend’s news dovetailed perfectly with the recent warming of the sun in Washington, DC (predicted 82 degrees today!) and turning the calendar to the mojo month of May. My thoughts of being at the beach have now been kicked into high gear and I know I am off and running and will be like this for the rest of the summer.
Don’t You Love This Picture?
Makes You Feel As If You Are There! |
The past week has found me going on the internet at all times of the day and watching the Bethany Beach live cam so I can gaze at the sand dunes and a bit of the incredible ocean for myself. I’m pathetic. I just sit there and stare at the screen for God knows how long as my eyes travel around the screen going from the sand to the water and from the water back to the sand.
When I’m at home, I go into the linen closet and open up the brownish plastic bottle of Coppertone sun screen and smell it over and over again. It’s one of my favorite scents!! I can’t even put into words the colorful flood of memories that fill my brain when I smell Coppertone!
And then I start to think about and of course start to crave beach food — pizza, steamed crabs, french fries, lobster.
I am really ridiculous about the whole beach thing!It’s one of the few places on the planet that totally relaxes me and helps me refill my inner reserves of patience, peace and energy. When I am at the beach, I am all into my healing zone of reading, relaxing and being entirely off schedule.
I am an incurable beach nut and that’s all there is to it!
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