Thriving In Fresh Air

March 28th, 2016
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Fresh air is necessary.  It delivers oxygen and new thoughts to our souls and helps us begin again.

It’s that feeling that you get when you have been working inside for awhile and then you go outside, take a really deep breath and feel renewed.

Yes.  I think I can go on.

Fresh air.  Open the windows and let old frustrations escape and fly away while welcoming the new fresh spring air.

We need it for our well being to grow and thrive.

Fresh air gives us strength and resolve to stay on track.

I came upon this uplifting … Read More

A Renewing Morning Intention

November 2nd, 2015
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Every day I choose to begin the day with a healing intention. I promise it doesn’t take much time. Often before we even open our eyes after a night’s sleep, our minds are taking in conflicting thoughts. Maybe we have an early morning appointment.  Maybe we don’t feel well.  Maybe we need to get the kids off to school.  Maybe we need to get to work.  Maybe we have all of these things going on and the morning has already slipped into an crazy example of life in the fast lane. Instead of trying to keep up with the snowballing… Read More

Farmer In The Dell

April 7th, 2014
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I love farmer’s markets. Everything about them fascinates me.  I slow down and totally lose track of time as I enjoy walking from vendor to vendor and talking to each one of them about the unique products they are selling whether it’s veggies, fruits, honey, cheeses, breads, soaps or food being cooked to order. Yesterday it truly felt as if the weather had turned a corner and while it was a bit chilly the sun was bright and increasingly warm as the day progressed.  People with their children and dogs and friends and neighbors strolled and chatted each other up… Read More

What Day Is It?

August 1st, 2013
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Vacation. Isn’t it a great word? Although it’s a verb, the word vacation doesn’t evoke action to me.  When I hear the word vacation I think about the air being let out of a balloon.  Or exhaling slowly. I am in vacation right now and I feel blessed to be having one.  I am off-schedule, under the radar and very much unplugged, living in an alternate universe of sleeping in, eating and reading books whenever I want and not knowing what time it is. Or even what day it is.  I haven’t turned on the television in days.  What a… Read More

The Secret of Life

July 18th, 2012
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I find it is important for the survival of the resilient spirits in my inner woman to make quiet time for myself.  My inner woman is all about achieving personal peace and developing emotional strength. For me, the road to personal peace is found when I seek to quiet my mind and spirit.  Usually ten to fifteen minutes every day is enough for me to gather my thoughts and to try and figure out my daily goals; or at least try and figure out what direction I think I would like for my day to take.  Sometimes my goal is… Read More