September 22nd, 2014
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A Quote By Mary Oliver

A Quote By Mary Oliver

The wise quote above, written by Mary Oliver, seems on the surface to be expressing a rather obvious idea. Right?

When I first read it, I almost dismissed it for I had brought Oliver’s thought into my mind too quickly and didn’t really let the underlying message sink in. Then I read it again and let it float around in my mind while I began to apply it to my own life.

How many times do I go through the day rereading the chapter I read the day before?  In other words, if I keep repeating the same reactions to situations I find stressful or frustrating, then they’re probably going to stay that way.  Nothing new will happen because my actions and thoughts remain the same over and over.

When I really think about what Mary Oliver is saying,  I  begin to realize that living a new chapter doesn’t happen all of a sudden because I want change and suddenly think about how it’s now time for a change.  A new chapter happens because I decide to make changes in myself; in what I do and say and think.

I may be sick and tired of a situation that makes me sick and tired but I can’t wait for someone else to jump into my life and hope that they will solve it for me.

Finding and beginning a new chapter is a constant quest for me that takes a conscious commitment to figure out, review, analyze or talk about what’s not working and then having the personal drive to reach out and find the tools to make change happen within myself.  I talk to trusted friends or family members, pray, go online, read books, write a journal or meditate (still working on this one).

I have to do it for myself because I can do it for myself and so can you!!

I hope you have a great week!!

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