Dance Walking

April 4th, 2014
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I don’t know about you, but now that the weather is getting a little warmer and I’m shedding my layers of winter, I’m feeling way out of shape.

Too much time spent sitting in front of the computer.  Too many afternoons noshing on comfort food.

A new season means moving is the name of the game for me and I think this You Tube video below showing how to Dance Walk is the perfect way to kickstart some outdoor motion and burning off those almighty calories!

Even if you don’t need to tone up, check out this Dance Walk video … Read More

Snapshots of Caregiving

April 2nd, 2014
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Helping to care for someone, whether they are young or old, is a time to step up to the plate and show how much that person means to you and many times it also turns out to be a time of personal growth. I have taken care of lots of babies and toddlers and I have also taken care of elderly relatives.  Until you do it, you really don’t realize how much time and energy it takes to properly care for another person. For me it is instinctive.  I see the need and I want to help.  There are few… Read More

The Good Wife Grieves

April 1st, 2014
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Television doesn’t always get it right when trying to show the raw emotional effects a person experiences after learning of a death but Sunday’s night’s episode of The Good Wife came very close. As is true in real life and acted in The Good Wife, everything instantly changes as each character finds out that attorney Will Gardner (Josh Charles) has been shot in a courtroom shootout and killed by his own client: the look on a person’s face, the tone of their voice, the way they carry themselves.  Something gets turned off.  There is a dazed and dull feeling after… Read More

Family Time

March 31st, 2014
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It’s that time of year in my family. Time to celebrate the birthdays of my parents who are in their 80’s.  My Mom and Dad’s birthdays land on the calendar exactly a week apart so in the last few years my siblings and I have started celebrating their birthdays together in the interest of harmony, world peace and all that is holy. We know we are blessed to have our parents still with us and we definitely don’t take it for granted.  Not for one minute.  But sometimes it can be tricky in making sure that each birthday receives the… Read More

A Younger Point of View

March 28th, 2014
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Just to briefly, and I do mean briefly, follow up on yesterday’s post about the ever changing dynamics of going online to share grief and loss experiences, a friend sent me the below link to a fantastic New York Times story addressing this very topic. I loved this story about Millennials and hope you do too because it introduced to me some new websites I enjoyed discovering plus it highlighted the thoughts and feelings of a younger generation in the midst of trying to figure out the best way to deal with their grief their own individual way while helping… Read More

Internet Loss

March 27th, 2014
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Have our electronic devices separated us from each other so much that it’s now normal to text people about a loved one’s death?Has it become routine to attend the funeral of a friend or a loved one and start snapping selfies?Why would someone let their cellphone ring during a funeral service and then answer it and continue talking?We are in a strange state of communications today. The first time I saw a selfie taken at a funeral I have to say I was really shocked. I didn’t know the young girl in the picture but she tweeted a picture of… Read More

A Ripple Effect

March 25th, 2014
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Something To Think About. . . . . . . Every little thing you do adds up, and before you know it, you’ve created your life. And how you create your life ripples out and effects everyone and everything that crosses your path, known or unknown to you.                    ~ Kathy Freston… Read More

Old Movies

March 24th, 2014
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When Sundays are overcast and chilly, as yesterday was, I love to gather the blankets on the sofa and watch old movies.  At first I feel a little guilty about laying on the couch, vegging and doing nothing but then I remind myself that I’m not really doing nothing. I work very hard during the week at my full-time job, plus I have other family responsibilities that I’m always trying to squeeze in here and there.  So when I find a day to watch a movie from beginning to end, I try to stop and enjoy it for the healing… Read More

A Happier Friday!

March 21st, 2014
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Something as simple as the day of the week can make me happy. I didn’t even work five days this week because Washington, DC got so much snow on Monday that the federal government shut down, the buses weren’t running and just like that, I had the day off. Still, today is Friday and that feels soooooo great!  The grind of this week is almost over and the weekend is within sight. Friday evening is one of the best feelings in the world, don’t you think? You’ve just finished working through one work week and now the whole incredible weekend… Read More