I have always believed that the natural elements of the beach can heal me and help to make me feel whole again.
No matter what my age, from childhood to right this minute, the beach is always a comforting place for me to work through my troubles.
I have spent countless hours wiggling my feet in the warm and comforting sand, listening to powerful and relaxing sound of the waves crashing on the shore and I always come away feeling renewed. The beach, almost any beach, is my trusted “go-to” place, my happy place if you will, and the beach always makes me feel a hundred million times better no matter what time of year I visit.
Now doctors are actually connecting the dots about the beach and its ability to help you reboot your outlook on life. I read in the Wall Street Journal last week that while no statistical research has been collected, British doctors are finding that people who spend time at the beach or near the beach report better overall mental and physical health.
Yes!! Yes!! Yes!!
Doctors say one popular theory is that salty air is supposedly filled with negatively charged ions, which can decrease blood pressure and elevate mood. Other doctors suggest that inhaling salt sea air can help abate ear infections, skin inflammations and other maladies.
My theory is that the salt water and salty air, the warming sun and the endless sandy shore get inside you and slowly but surely help you relax and renew yourself. Being close to nature helps us realize there is a larger world out there and I feel spiritually close to the maker of all this incredible beauty.
For those times in your life when you feel outside of yourself because life has dealt you a devastating loss or a personal crisis of another sort, I can almost guarantee that a trip to the beach will always give you an incredible boost and help you find within yourself the positive energy to believe that it’s possible to begin again.
Whether it’s the first of many baby steps in a painful and lonely grieving process or it’s just time to take a short break from stress or heartache, the beach definitely has recouperative, cleansing powers that are magical and I will always take advantage of it as much as I can!!
Maybe I will see you there!
Margaret Moreland Mazcko
Mary Kate Cranston
Thanks Maggie!! Hope you are having a blast in Bethany!!
That’s why I have a house at Bethany Beach…
Mary Kate Cranston
I am so happy for you Tanya because waking up and hearing the ocean is a fabulous gift!! What a way to start the day!
Kathryn Eszeki
I like the little meme I’ve seen around lately (Doctor Says You Need More Vitamin Sea). Your post takes that sentiment to a deeper level. I’m very intrigued by the “salt” connection, I believe there must be some truth in that theory. I know it has always made my hair look better 🙂
Lovely post, Mary Kate.
Mary Kate Cranston
Thanks Kathy!! I really appreciate your support and glad that you enjoyed this post. I was ready to jump in the car and drive to the beach after writing it!! Love the Doctor Says You Need More Vitamin Sea meme!!