Good news is always worth sharing and today I have some to share with you.
In February I wrote a blogpost about four friends of mine who are in different stages of battling different types of cancer.
This week I learned that one of them went in for some follow-up tests and the results came back clean! This is remarkable on so many levels. This person chose an aggressive course of treatment and has also tried very hard to change the foods he eats, exercise more and even allow less stress into his life! He is not home free but he is taking better care of himself and that’s a big improvement over his past high-fat, sugery, stressed out lifestyle.
The second friend finished her chemo, radiation and reconstructive surgery and is looking and feeling great! She is truly a “wellness warrior,” (to borrow a phrase from Crazy, Sexy Cancer author Kris Carr) and just celebrated a special birthday. This week I found out she will be walking in a breast cancer fundraiser in October and continues to eat organically, making some pretty mean blender drinks full of fresh fruits and other super vitamin mixtures that make her smoothies the best I’ve ever tasted!
Another friend has endured two surgeries and is now in a stage of treatment that should last for about a year. He has a positive point of view about his diagnosis which is SO IMPORTANT and he bought the cutest treat for himself: a beautiful, warm and friendly puppy. I cannot tell you how much happiness and just good ole-fashioned comfort this dog brings but I’m so happy this little cutie spaniel is a part of his life.
The fourth person is continuing to pursue a healthy lifestyle but she is also handling other illnesses in her family and I hope that she does not burn herself out. She is good at know exactly where her limits are and then just stops when she reaches them. She is a big believer in power naps and snoozes during the day to recharge herself. So smart!
That my report from the cancer front and thank God the news is a good solid home run for now!!!!!
I am sending blankets of love out to all of them!!!!!!
I have learned from each one of them as they have courageously faced their news and then took charge and learned as much as they could about what was happening to them.
Change is so hard and sometimes we are forced to switch things around when we don”t want to but it is so much better when we decide to become an active participant in our healing rather than standing paralyzed wondering what will happen next.
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