Changing It Up

November 4th, 2013
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It is never too late to make changes in your life.
You can be 22, 42, 62 or even 92 and suddenly decide it’s time for a change.  But you have to want it.  You can’t do it just because others want you to.  You need to make changes and take care of yourself for yourself.
I was thinking about this because a wonderful friend of mine was discharged from the hospital this past Saturday after having her gall bladder removed on Friday.  It all happened very quickly and it was scary for a short time because we weren’t sure … Read More

The Pink Month

October 25th, 2013
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When I see pink products for sale during the month of October, I wonder how much of the money really goes to researching a cure for breast cancer.  Probably not very much. I know I’m not alone in this thought because I’ve heard and read similar comments from others discussing the reason why these products are being sold.  Buy them because you like them or need them.  But I think most people now see those oh so pretty pink-ribboned products as a merchandising trick better left alone. If anything good has come out of the marketing of these pink products,… Read More

Joy Of Motion

October 17th, 2013
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Blogging plus my full-time job equals too much time in front of the computer. When I am involved in a deadline project and super concentrated on what I am doing, it is very easy for me to lose track of time and forget to move from my chair.  Sitting at my desk for hours on end may help me get my work done, but researchers also say it increases my chances of getting diabetes, heart disease and shortening my life.  So as comfy as it feels to sit or hang out on the couch, I’ve got to get moving. Because … Read More

Tossing My Plastics

August 30th, 2013
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Staying healthy is job one for me. Every healthy tip that I can incorporate into my life is just one more thing that may keep me out of the doctor’s office as far as I am concerned.  I try to eat foods that are as fresh as possible, exercise whenever I can and verbalize my stress so that it doesn’t remain bottled up inside me and cause some kind of sickness.Recently I added a new health concern to my wellness list: avoiding plastics and/or preservatives.For years I used to bring frozen food products (read Lean Cuisine) to the office and… Read More

Carl Hiaason

August 7th, 2013
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If you are looking for a book that will take you to a wickedly funny place and make you laugh out loud, then I highly recommend Carl Hiaasen’s new book, Bad Monkey, to you. I just finished reading it while on vacation at the beach last week and I loved it!  I can’t tell you how many times I was sitting in my beach chair with my book while my friends were talking and catching up with each other.  There I was, face stuck in the book, reading Bad Monkey and literally bursting out laughing at the smart, flip and… Read More

Zumba Zumba

July 17th, 2013
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The guy who invented Zumba, Beto Perez, wears a black sleeveless T-shirt and says to me, “Feel the Music.” And I do! I am watching Beto, along with 5 other Zumba dance instructors on a DVD and I am taking the 20 minute Zumba express lesson in my house. What’s so great about Zumba? Well, for me Zumba feels more like fun rather than exercise and the workout burns mucho calories which I am always trying to do.  Having discovered Zumba this summer, I am finding it to be everything I heard.  First of all, the music is great!  It’s… Read More

Fathers & Sons

June 15th, 2013
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Today I’m going to visit my Dad and celebrate Father’s Day a day early. My son won’t be joining me because he is out of town visiting his girlfriend.  Even if my son were here in town, I would still be emotionally torn on Father’s Day.My Dad is still alive and our family is lucky and blessed to have him. But my son’s father, who was also my husband, died nine years ago and the celebration of Father’s Day makes me feel guilty and conflicted. Guilty because my father is alive and his isn’t.  Conflicted because I want to make… Read More

My SNL Experience

May 31st, 2013
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One of the items on my so-called bucket list actually happened and I still pinch myself about the experience. After watching Saturday Night Live on television for many, many years, I finally got to go to a LIVE SHOW!!  THANK YOU EMILY!!!!!  It was fascinating, it was great fun, it was high energy, it was pure entertainment!It was everything I ever thought it would be and more!!!  Talk about kick down the door, put yourself out there, over-the-top creativity!! I could go on and on about the skits, the people, the host, the musical entertainment but then this post would… Read More

January Baby

January 9th, 2013
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I am a January Baby and yesterday was my birthday. I am happy to have a birthday (Elvis and I were born on the same day!) but I wish I had been born at a different time of the year. By the time my birthday arrives, people are usually burnt out from the holidays.  Throughout the years, I have found that friends and family are either on a diet in January or they had spent too much money on Christmas so they are back on a budget in January.  Sometimes I have received gifts in Christmas wrapping paper and sometimes… Read More