Laughing Matters

August 2nd, 2011
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Friends Can Be Life Savers
The most wasted of all days is one without laughter — e.e. Cummings

 A few months ago on a Sunday afternoon, one of my friends and I met up for lunch at a neighborhood place that is casual and comfortable or as we say, the restaurant was “cheap and cheerful.”.  We both can be major league talkers but we both also understand the importance of listening so it’s not as though we are always talking over each other.  A lot of serious things were happening to both of us and we needed to commiserate.

The … Read More

Sharing Your Personal Stories

July 29th, 2011
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Hi Everyone!!! Cry, Laugh, Heal is a place where all are welcome, where the sad, silly and satisfying aspects of grief and resilience are explored.  Everyone is welcome to join in and share their experiences about loss and trying to get back into the groove of living life.  We learn from each other plus you never know when your story may help someone else struggling with their grief feelings. When we share our thoughts and feelings with others, we find we are not alone. It may feel as though it is only happening to you, but then when you reach… Read More

Amy Winehouse

July 25th, 2011
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Amy Winehouse was with us for only 27 years.  But in that short time her artistic flame burned hot and bright even as she continually battled for control over her addiction to drugs and alcohol. Artistically she broke new ground, writing and recording bluesy, hard-rocking songs addressing heartbreak and her self-destructive lifestyle.  Yet for her family and millions of fans, there was always the hope that she would turn things around and bring her demons under control. Very sadly, that was not to be and we are left with the gift of her incredible music.  One of my favorites from… Read More

Harry Potter & His Parents

July 22nd, 2011
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Hi readers!  Today we have a guest blogger, Ryan O’Toole, a rising senior at Fordham University, and in the interest of full disclosure, my son: Isn’t it funny that there are words for people whose spouses die?  A woman whose husband dies is called a widow, while a man whose wife dies is called a widower. Now the sheer existence of these words might not seem odd to you at face value, but doesn’t it strike you as a weird oversight of the English language that we do not have words for children who lose a parent?  I have thought… Read More

The Heart Behind Gilligan’s Island

July 20th, 2011
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The cast of Gilligan’s Island A good and very funny friend of mine, Annie Howell, loves, loves everything about Gilligan’s Island. She and her husband, Brad, and their two boys even named their dog, Thurston, after the lock jawed, elitist character marooned on the island, Thurston Howell III.  I think everyone who watched the show identified with at least one of the characters — the Professor, Marianne, Gilligan, the Skipper or The Movie Star — who every week would comically try to escape from Gilligan’s Island.  I liked to think I was Ginger, the Movie Star. When the sad news… Read More

Family Porch Time

July 18th, 2011
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I am painting the screened-in porch on our house and it is taking me a lot longer than I thought it would.  This time around there is more sanding and it just seems as though there is more to paint.  I had forgotten the amount of prep work necessary before you can even put the brush in the paint.  Oh well…I’m making progress as the radio blasts America’s Top 40, even though I’m occasionally pulled back to thoughts about the last time I painted the porch. Eight years ago, the porch was new and my husband was alive.  He absolutely… Read More

Eating and Grieving

July 14th, 2011
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I took a visit to the farmer’s market down the street from my office today and of course learned something new and good for me. ‘Cause that’s what farmer’s markets are all about!! The Summer 2011 issue of Flavor magazine features a cover story about Sam Kass, assistant chef at the White House.  The story, written by former New York Times and Washington Post staff reporter Marion Burros, discusses how Kass changed the way the Obama family eats.  By cooking wholesome local and seasonal foods for the Obama family during the presidential campaign and now in the White House kitchen, … Read More

Solo to See Owen Danoff

July 11th, 2011
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In keeping with the many unknowns that you face on your journey to rebuild your life after losing a loved one, going out by yourself for social events is on that master list of things that is easier for men to do than it is for women.  At least it is for me. It’s not like I never did anything by myself when my husband was alive, but it’s different now.  I miss many things about not being part of a couple at social events, such as not having someone in the car so you can talking about the evening… Read More

Bestselling Author Ann Kaiser Stearns, PhD — Save The Date

July 9th, 2011
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Although Widowed Persons Outreach provides help for those who are widowed, this October 19th, the 2011 conference is open to everyone! You may be a professional or helping a friend or family member through loss and want to deepen your skills and understanding.  Or you yourself may be experiencing a loss. Whatever your situation, this conference will give you comfort and hope. Bestselling author Dr. Ann Kaiser Stearns brings a powerful message to those dealing with the pain of a loss. When a loved one dies, a marriage or important relationship ends, a financial or health crisis occurs, or even… Read More